Cherishing the Good News

I found myself pulling up my mother-in-law's blog again.  I don't know why I was checking it because  I knew what would be on there.

I guess I just wanted to hear the good news again.

My father-in-law has been fighting cancer for over two years, a cancer that should have overtaken him long ago.  After setback upon setback this year, we received good news for a change.  The tumor hadn't grown at all in the six months since his last scan, and most of that time he had no treatment. 

First my husband called me, and then my father-in-law called me.  Later I found myself wanting to hear the good news from my mother-in-law on her blog.  I simply wanted to hear the good news over and over again.

That made me start to think abou the "ultimate" good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  How often do I yearn to hear that good news over and over?  I have to admit sometimes it's easy to mentally "check out" when I hear teaching or preaching about salvation.  Tell me something I can use today.

Oh, how that must sadden Jesus who gave it all for me.  May I never "get over" this priceless gift.  May I be grateful every day that through his sacrifice I have hope in eternal salvation.  May I never lose sight that I am saved from the punishment my sins deserve.

May I never tire of hearing the good news.  May I want to hear it over and over.

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