The House Upon the Rock

The wise man built his house upon the rock, his house upon the rock, his house upon the rock.... The rains came down and the floods came up and the house on the rock stood firm.

Are you singing along? Are you doing the motions?

As I came upon this familiar passage in my reading of Luke, I found myself humming along with this song I learned as a child. But in the midst of my nostalgia, something else in that passage jumped out at me.

“Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you? Everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show you what he is like...” Luke 6:46-47 (ESV)

The passage goes on to talk about the man who built his house upon the rock, compared to the one who built his house on the sand.

I don't know about you, but when I was learning about this passage as a child, the focus was on the foundation, the Rock. We are to build our lives on Christ, the Rock, the ultimate firm foundation. And when trials come, we'll stand firm.

In fact, the very first phrase says just that, but all these years, I've missed the next two phrases and thus the whole context. The one whose life withstands trials not only has Christ as his foundation, but he also does what Christ said to do. “Everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them.” (emphasis mine)
  1. We must come to Christ. Check.
  2. We must hear his words. Check.
  3. We must do them.
Hmm. Okay. So what words is he talking about? In general, he is talking about all of his words, but specifically in this passage, he is talking about his words in this sermon, specifically the Sermon on the Mount.

So here's what I did. I took my handy little blue Bible-friendly highlighting pencil and went through Luke chapter 6 and Matthew chapters 5-7 (where Matthew's account of the sermon on the mount is found), and I highlighted every imperative phrase. For those of us who might need a grammar school recap, an imperative is a “command” statement.

Keep reading.

That's an imperative statement.

In looking at these passages, what is Jesus commanding his disciples to do in order for their figurative houses to stand firm?

Jesus addressed topics, such as anger, reconciliation, lust, divorce, oaths, retaliation, how we treat others, giving, praying, fasting, materialism, anxiety, judging others, prayer needs, how we should handle lawsuits, how we should address others' sin, how we should address our own sin, and more. There's a treasure trove of guidance in these chapters that one can read in one sitting.

These aren't just tips that Jesus gives. This isn't a “motivational sermon” designed for His listeners to pick and choose what applies to them that day.

It kind of reminds me of when I tell Drew to do something that I know is for his own good, but he, in his limited judgment, decides whether or not what I say is a good idea. I am amazed (but I shouldn't be) that he can't see that my perspective is larger than his. I see things he doesn't. I wish he would just TRUST that I have his best interests at heart, and my commands are to protect him and lead him in the right direction.

Similarly, Jesus knows that for our house to stand firm in the midst of trials, not only must it be built on Him, but we also must hear and heed His words.


jennifer smith said...

Jill i enjoyed this. I specificaly like how you searched out different commands that Christ gave us and i agree that they are the material that makes up our house Christ being the foundation. I love the sermon on the Mount there are so many nuggets in it and it was one of the first chapters i memorized when i began to put God's Word within my heart. I find that thru out my day God usually brings some verse from that passage to rembrance to help me in my responses to life situations. Anyway what stood out to me the most in what you shared was that the commands Jesus gives are not just tips or a motivational sermon or something we can just pick and choose what we apply. I feel like so many times in my own life i did just that i viewed His Word and His instructions as optional but they are not if we want to experience knowing Him. This became clear to me through a similar verse John 14:21"He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and i will love him, and will manifest myself to him." I wanted to know Him so i began to do what you did i started looking for specific commands that would do just that if you don't mind i would like to share a few i started in mathew and the list goes: Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand mt 4:17, Follow me and i will make you fishers of men mt 4:19, Rejoice when men shall say all evil against you falsley mt 5:10-12, Let your light shine thay men may glorify your Father in heaven mt 5:14-16,Honor God's law it will not pass away until all be fullfilled mt 5 17-18, Be reconciled then come again and offer your gift mt 5:23-24,Do not lust it is more profitable to lose an eye or hand mt 5:28-30,Keep your word let your yes be yes and your no be no mt 5:33-37,Go the second mile and turn the other check mt5:38-42, love your enemies bless those that curse you mt 5:43-45,Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect mt5:46-48, Give,pray,fast,secretlymt6:1-18,Lay up treasures where nothing can destroy them mt6:19-21,Seek God's Kingdom mt6:24-33,Judge not mt7:1-3.. these are just a few i have about 27 more but i realize i have rambled on already. Anyway my point being His commands are no longer an option but there ways i express my love to Christ and experience who He is and in return I learn Him and that is my hearts desire to Know Him. I so enjoy your writings because they are centered on God's Word and you are very transparent in your writing and the love for Christ expressed through your words creats thirst in others and illuminates who Christ is to you. Keep up the good work I enjoy reading what God gives you.


Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing, Jennifer! It's great to hear confirmation of what I read as well. You're such an encouragement!