A God Moment

Sometimes things just happen that you know are "God-moments." You know, the things that you know aren't mere coincidence but were undoubtedly a God-whisper to you.  Sometimes it's a reminder of a truth you know. Sometimes it's a confirmation. Sometimes it's an answer.

I've had a few of those experiences recently.  The most profound was today on my way home from work.  It was 5:15 and I passed a funeral procession. Kind of an odd time, I thought. Still, having lived in a funeral home (the upstairs apartment for those who don't know) about 10 years ago when Matt and I first got married, death was, pardon the pun, simply a way of life.  But for some reason this time, I just stared at the hearse as it passed by, and the thought of how fleeting life is crossed my mind.  This person, whoever it was, was alive just a few days ago, and now he or she wasn't.  Sometimes it takes these things to remind us of our mortality.  

The God-moment came when I realized what song just came on the radio as I was stopped for the funeral procession.  It was Third Day's "Trust in Jesus." Here is an excerpt of the lyrics:

One of these days we all will stand in judgment for
Every single word that we have spoken
One of these days we all will stand before the Lord....

What are you going to do when your time has come
And your life is done and there's nothing you can stand on
What will you have to say at the judgment throne

I already know the only thing that I can say
Trust in Jesus
My great Deliverer
My strong Defender
The Son of God
I trust in Jesus
Blessed Redeemer
My Lord forever
The Holy One, the Holy One

There's nothing I can do on my own to find forgiveness
It's by His grace alone I trust in Jesus
Trust in Jesus

All I could think was, wow.  And then, Thank you, Jesus.  The Creator God-inspired Scripture is crystal clear that we are all destined for an eternity without God (the lake of fire, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth...to name a few descriptions).  God cannot bear the presence of sin.  However in his great love he sent Jesus to bear our sin for us. To die for our sins. And to conquer death so we can through him be saved from our sins.  

Make no mistake about it, every knee will bow, every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.  The question is, do we bow and confess now, or after it's too late?  

Unless Jesus comes for his followers first, someday that will be my body in that hearse.  And I deserve an eternity separated from God.  But I also have full confidence that by Jesus's sacrifice and by God's grace alone, while my body is in that hearse, my soul will be with Jesus. Spared from the torment without him.  

I trust in Jesus, my great deliverer.  

If you do, too, I hope this blog will spur you to remember how great a gift you have, your salvation.  It came at a price.  Let's honor the price Jesus paid by being faithful to him and doing what we can to share this priceless gift with those who don't know about it.

If you haven't trusted in Jesus, please know that he is the only way we have peace and can know without a shadow of a doubt that our future is secure.  And I'd be glad to answer any questions and point you to the Scriptures that God inspired men to write, that make clear the path of salvation.

Because one of these days we unholy people will ALL stand in judgment before a Holy God.

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