Pray Without Ceasing (Real Life)

Focal Verse: "Pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV)

I remember reading this verse in high school and thinking, "Well, how in the world is that possible?" Pray without ceasing or pray continually as the NIV states it. Reading it over and over I still couldn't figure out why God would put such an impossible command in the Bible. So I put it aside in my mind figuring I'd learn how to do that another day.

I recall such explanations as, "It means to continually have the mindset of God in your everyday life." Okay. That was a little more believable, but still a bit out of touch with my reality. I even recall in my young adult years, having my quiet time in the morning, fully intending to conversate with God at various times during the day, and laying my head on the pillow at night feeling that God was by my side all day long. Yet in reality, I found myself laying my head on my pillow wondering where my good intentions went. I wondered how in the world I had managed to leave God at the same place I met him that morning.

You can probably relate. And, like me, you have the best of intentions but just can't seem to grasp how to put that verse into practice. Now, I'll warn you, I don't have the secret code. I don't have a guaranteed method. But I have made progress and hopefully my experience will help you.

My progress has been born out of adversity, I must admit. If you've read my other posts, you know my family has been in some turbulent times in past months. My seeking to have God a part of my whole day has come out of desperation. I simply couldn't make it through each day without seeking him more than just in the morning. I'll warn you. If all is well in your life, this may be a little difficult. When we're not facing trials, it's easy to depend on ourselves and not see a need for a daily relationship with God. But the need is there all the same.

Having a set-aside time alone with God every day is vital. What kind of relationship could we have with a spouse or any other close friend only speaking to them once a week, if then? It certainly wouldn't be a thriving one. So the first thing to do is set aside a time to spend with the Father. It doesn't have to be a long time. Many people start at just 5-10 minutes. I choose the morning. It's the one time of day that I am free of distraction. I make my coffee and start my time with God. It's just like any close relationship. Back when we were in college and were roommates, my friend Tiffany and I used to cherish our "coffee talks." I would make cappuccino back then (sometimes bake cookies), we'd sit together, and talk. Even today when either of us needs some "girl time," one of us suggests coffee. It's our catalyst to an intimate conversation between friends. In the same way, I look forward to my "coffee talk" with God each morning. My routine is to have some sort of Bible study. Sometimes I do a Beth Moore study. Right now I'm reading Women of the Bible. Sometimes I put the study guides down and just read a book of the Bible chapter by chapter. The key for me is variety. I change things every so often to keep myself fresh. I ask God to speak to me through His Word. Then, I pray about what he might bring to my heart. I pray for my family. I pray for him to be with me during my work day. I confess any known sin. If he has brought a verse to my heart, I pray that verse. There's no scientific formula. The main thing is being sensitive to God's leading in this time. The last thing I want to do is make my quiet time another thing on my "to-do" list to check off. When I start leaving my quiet time the same way I began it - unmoved - I start examining my heart. Is my mind distracted? Do I need a change in my routine? What is keeping me from a lively conversation with God?

I choose the morning because it's best for me. Morning may not be best for you. You might be more focused after the kids go to bed at night. The only time you might have is on your lunch break. Maybe it's on your commute to work and you can listen to a Bible study on CD or MP3. (Isn't technology great?)

Now, these other ideas I'm going to suggest are simply what has helped me to stay in more consistent communion with God. Pray about these ideas as well as others that work for you.

Scripture Memory. It seems like a pastime, but Scripture memory is as important as ever. I've found the easiest way for me to memorize Scripture is to put it on my mirror for me to go over as I'm getting ready in the morning. When we memorize Scripture, we're essentially acquiring weapons in our daily battle. The Holy Spirit is amazing. He'll bring that Scripture to your mind just when you need it.

Inspirational Music. Listening to inspirational music on my commute to work helps me to stay in the mindset in which I need to be. If I'm listening to a Christian radio station, God has a way of "playing" the songs that I need most. In addition to my commute, I am also able to listen to Christian music at my computer at work. This keeps Christian songs in the background while I'm doing my daily tasks.

Be Mindful of Prayer Opportunities. I'll be going about my day, and I'll think of someone. That's normal. But now instead of just thinking of that person, I'll pray for them. For instance, I thought of my friend Tiffany this week and remembered her asking for prayer for her husband as he was taking a difficult course this summer. So I'd pray, God, be with Chris today. Help this classwork come easier for him, and give him the strength to persevere.

Take Every Thought Captive. 2 Corinthians 10:5 says, "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." At times I get overwhelmed, and sometimes I start to let bitterness creep in. One of my weak points is after I get home from working 9 hours, and after I cook dinner, clean dishes, put up laundry, and do anything else needed, I start to get bitter and have a tendency to want to take it out on my husband. So when that bitterness creeps in, I have started to pray, Father, this is how I feel. I want to take captive these thoughts, so help me understand the way I should react and feel in this situation. God always answers that prayer! Even if I may not like the answer, I see my situation in the light of the holiness of Christ and I get a whole new perspective.

Tear Down Strongholds. If there is anything in my life preventing me from that close communication with God, I try to analyze it and take it out of my life if necessary. For example, I got hooked on a certain reality TV series that consumed my thoughts and kept me from the pure thoughtlife God wants for me. It was a hard break, but I stopped watching it mid-season. Now that was a big sacrifice! But by doing that, I was able to not only clear my mind of those thoughts but also make more time for my family and other things I felt I needed to spend my time doing.

These are just a few suggestions based on what I've learned in past months. Don't get me wrong and think I am a success at these 100% of the time. That is most definitely not the case. Today in particular I failed at the "Taking Every Thought Captive" part. But you see, I know the goal isn't perfection because we'll never attain it this side of heaven. The goal is the journey. The blessing is seeing where I am compared to where I was. The blessing is seeing God respond in the quiet whispers of my heart because that day I took the time to listen. The blessing is knowing that although today didn't go as I had planned, there's still tomorow.

When we start making "praying without ceasing" too complicated or give up before we even start because the task seems impossible, we completely miss out. God wants our relationship, not to be a part of our daily to-do list. Jesus said in Matthew 11:30, "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Our daily walk with God is not to be a burden, but a blessing. And God just waits to bless us for our obedience and our yearning to know him more and more.


tlkennedy said...

Your writing is inspiraional and your insight is right on. You always say just what I need to hear. I feel very blessed to call you my friend. Is it wrong to feel jealous that God gets my coffee time now? jk

tlkennedy said...

Your writing is inspirational and your insights are right on. You always say just what I need to hear. I feel blessed to have you as a friend.